Join in! Impressions from the workshops


The heart of this year’s 35th anniversary celebrations is set to be an open-air installation stretching over several kilometres along a stretch of the former Wall in the centre of Berlin. The installation will consist of signs and posters conveying a variety of thoughts and ideas in support of freedom and democracy. The installation is designed to commemorate the fall of the Wall while also paying tribute to the courage of those who brought about the Peaceful Revolution.

A wide range of cultural institutions, sports clubs, associations, companies and schools are calling on colleagues, neighbours, friends, fellow players and schoolmates to contribute their own thoughts and ideas. Anyone interested in getting involved is invited to join in and reflect on the values of the Peaceful Revolution and their significance for our coexistence in society today.

Among the questions participants will be asked to reflect on are: “What do you feel when you think of the fall of the Wall today?”, “Freedom, what does it have to do with you?” and “What would you say is worth taking to the streets in support of today?” These and many other questions are designed to inspire a fruitful discussion and exchange. The aim is to encourage people to examine the values associated with the Peaceful Revolution in relation to their own convictions. These reflections are then used as the foundation upon which participants can engage in the artistic and political work of creating their signs and posters.  

All workshops participants will have access to a range of paper formats, colour backgrounds and art materials. With the help of thick markers, coloured taped, spray cans and delicate brushes, they’ll be able to bring their messages creatively to paper.

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Tisch mit Materialien wie bunter Klebeband, farbingen Stiften und Spachteln sowie Fragekarten, oben die Frage "Was hat der Mauerfall mit dir zu tun?"
Workshop-Materials © Kulturprojekte Berlin
langer Tisch mit etwa 20 Workshop-Teilnehmenden an Plakat-Workshop
Initiative Hermsdorf Steht Vereint organises workshop as part of its protest against right-wing extremism © Kulturprojekte Berlin | Fabian Brennecke
scharze/POC Frau malt mit Marker auf Plakat den Spruch Freedom to be able to love
… and receives lively participation © Kulturprojekte Berlin | Fabian Brennecke
Hand zieht blaue Acrylfarbe über Plakat mit Gummispachtel
Design variety, here acrylic colours and spatula © Fabian Brennecke | Kulturprojekte Berlin
above the rooftops of Berlin, workshop at the Park Inn Hotel at Alexanderplatz © Kulturprojekte Berlin | Fabian Brennecke
Workshop on the Campus for Democracy © Kulturprojekte Berlin
Frau um die 60 gestaltet Plakat mit schwarzen Marker. Darunter befindet sich ein schon fertiges Plakat, dass eine Wiese und die Mauer zeigt.
Workshop scene from the DDR Museum © Kulturprojekte Berlin
Human rights activist Düzen Tekkal works on her poster © Kulturprojekte Berlin
Mann im Profil mit schwarzem Basecap zeichnet konzentriert an Stehtisch mit Bleistift
Workshop at the Theater des Westens © Kulturprojekte Berlin
Senioren sitzen an Tischen in großem Raum und gestalten mit Stiften Plakate. In der Bildmitte zeichnet ein Herr mit kurzen weißen Haaren und Brille.
People of all ages took part, here a workshop at Wohnstift Otto Dibelius © Kulturprojekte Berlin

Please note that the workshops have expired and no further workshops can be offered!

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